Why Do You Need This Challenge?

After 21 days, your child will have a toolbox full of strategies that they can leverage in the moment when things go astray. A toolkit with physical, tangible reminders, that will connect their brain to the strategies that they learned.


Meet Your Leader On This Journey

Lara Dawn is the founder of The ADHD Village - an online community that offers brain-based, science-backed support for families raising children with ADHD. She is a certified elementary school teacher with over 20 years experience specializing in environmental science and special education. She is happily married and has two neurodiverse, teenage sons. 

Lara supports moms in learning how to eliminate stress while navigating their children’s ADHD so that they are calm, confident and deeply connected to their children. She also helps parents raise children to embrace their ADHD and feel empowered so that they can be in control of their emotions and behaviours.

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