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L.O.V.E. U Parenting Emotional Intelligence 21-Day Challenge
First Section
Day 1: Our Feelings About Feelings (0:43)
Day 2: IQ vs. EQ (1:28)
Day 3: Your Childhood Emotions (1:12)
Day 4: Coping with Uncomfortable Emotions (1:13)
Day 5: Name it to Tame it! (1:05)
Day 6: Feel it to Heal it! (2:10)
Day 7: Notice Your Thoughts About Your Feelings (0:44)
Day 8: Tune into Your Thoughts (1:15)
Day 9: WTF! (1:58)
Day 10: WTFA! (1:46)
Day 11: So Many Feelings in a Day (2:40)
Day 12: Celebrate where you are AND continue to strive for your dreams and desires! (2:00)
Day 13: Tame Your Triggers (4:48)
Day 14: Responding to Your Child's Emotions and Language that Builds Connection (1:45)
Day 15: Allowing Your Child to Feel Feelings, Does NOT Mean Allowing Behaviour (8:53)
Day 16: Stop Explosive Behaviours with My Signature LOVE U Parenting Method (9:51)
Day 17: L = Listen (9:40)
Day 18: O = Oxytocin (in other words, the neurobiology of LOVE!) (45:50)
Day 19: V = Values, Validate, Vision (10:05)
Day 20: E = Energetics, Expressing Emotions, Emotional Regulation (10:52)
Day 21: Celebration!!!! (3:38)
Day 5: Name it to Tame it!
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